worldwide fine art portrait & motherhood photographer


Specialized in Seattle area, Etta has been shooting for over 10 years of portraits and lifestyle with a touch of avant garde, elegance and uniqueness to them. 


about me

Je m’appelle Etta, the photographer for ettafoto, a studio that has been inspired by my own journey of motherhood.

This is a space for self-discovery or re-discovery, self-love, self-care and embracing the fact that putting yourself first is anything but selfish. I am bringing the focus and attention back on you – the powerful, strong, independent, smart, funny, beautiful, sexy - WOMAN not just a mother.

To Inspire and support all the superwomen who are ready to come up for air, come back to themselves, and possibly re-invent or see themselves in a different light. A space for change or a palace to just dream and book a playdate - for yourself. This can be pre-during-post partum. As you now already know – Once a mum, always a woman. Allow me to put a little twist on motherhood. The importance of self-love & self-care is something I am slowly and overtime finding is key to really showing up as the best version of ourselves. And why not add a little more fun into the already fantastique!?

Life truly is short. Let’s spice it up a bit.


Motherhood Portraits are the core of my passion though not limited to —


